How do I Become a Member of the United Methodist Church

Becoming a United Methodist begins with a commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ through participation in a local congregation.

Baptism marks the beginning of our lifelong journey as disciples of Jesus Christ. In baptism, we are initiated into the Christian church and incorporated into the community of God’s people, the body of Christ. Baptized Christians reaffirm the Baptismal Covenant as part of their membership vows. Those who have never been baptized will receive the sacrament of baptism before becoming members.

For United Methodists, membership includes active participation in a local congregation. The vows of professing membership thus include promises to faithfully participate through prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness in connection with a local congregation.

The first step is to talk with the pastor. Many pastors offer classes for new members to learn more about The United Methodist Church.

This content was produced by InfoServe, a ministry of United Methodist Communications.

First published Jan. 22, 2018. 

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